
When do most car accidents happen?

According to the National Safety Council (NSC), the most dangerous time of day to be driving is rush hour between 4 p.m. and 8 p.m. The most common time for car accidents is at night in the warm, summer months. The NSC reports that there were about 13,200,000 motor vehicle crashes in 2021. Given that human error in the form of distracted or drunk driving and speeding are some of the most common causes of car crashes, they are largely preventable.

How many car accidents happen per day?

About 36,164 motor vehicle crashes occurred every day across the U.S. in 2021, according to the National Safety Council’s report of 13,200,000 crashes that year.

What are the most common times for car accidents to occur?

A collision can happen at any time, but there are certain days, times of day, and seasons of the year when crashes tend to occur the most. The NSC analyzes and reports on the most recent National Highway and Traffic Safety Association (NHTSA) data, and here’s the breakdown:

What time of day do most crashes occur?

In the spring and summer, Saturdays between 8 p.m. and midnight are when most fatal car crashes occur. From November through March, the peak time for fatal motor vehicle crashes is between 4 and 8 p.m., according to the NSC.

What times of the year do fatal crashes occur most?

The NSC reports that the highest number of fatal traffic crashes occur in July, August, and October. The NHTSA calls the period between Memorial Day and Labor Day the 100 Deadliest Days because car crashes soar during the summer months, especially for teen drivers.

The deadliest day in 2021 with regard to traffic fatalities was Saturday, Aug. 7, when there were 201 traffic deaths. The daily average for that year was 116 deaths, per the NSC.

What environments have the most traffic crashes?

In cities, car accidents happen most frequently on highways, while in rural areas, car accidents happen most frequently on local roads. In fact, the Insurance Institute for Highway Safety (IIHS) reports that car accident deaths in urban areas occurred more on interstates and freeways (21%), while about 14% of traffic deaths in rural areas occurred on arterial and local roads.

Where do most fatal car accidents occur?

In analyzing the number of traffic crash fatalities by state, the IIHS reports the following in 2021:

The five states with the most fatal crashes:

  • Texas: 4,068
  • California: 3,983
  • Florida: 3,451
  • Georgia: 1,670
  • North Carolina: 1,535

The five states with the fewest number of fatal car crashes:

  • Hawaii: 94
  • North Dakota: 85
  • Vermont: 69
  • Rhode Island: 61
  • Alaska: 59

At what age do most car accidents happen?

Drivers who are 16 to 24 years old are three times more likely to be involved in a deadly crash than older drivers, according to the AAA Foundation for Traffic Safety. Speeding was the critical safety issue in accidents involving young drivers. NHTSA reports that speeding was a factor in 32% of fatal crashes involving teen drivers 18 and younger.

What are the odds of being in a fatal car accident?

The NSC reports that the lifetime odds of dying in a motor vehicle crash are 1 in 93, but this is just an average number. Your odds of being involved in a car crash greatly increase when you drive aggressively, exceed the speed limit, or spend a significant amount of time behind the wheel. Learning defensive driving skills can help you feel more confident behind the wheel, and it can make you a safer driver.

Tips for lowering your risk of a car crash

If you look at the most common causes of car crashes, they all point to poor, reckless, or inexperienced driving. The following are a few tips to help keep you safe on the road and lower your risk of being in a car crash:

  • Wear your seat belt; require your passengers to do the same
  • Drive sober – drunk driving is a leading cause of traffic crashes and fatalities
  • Focus on the road – distracted driving puts you and the vehicles around you in danger of a collision
  • Obey the speed limit and other traffic laws
  • Cultivate safe driving habits by taking a defensive driving course
  • Follow driving etiquette rules
  • Learn about driving safely at night

What to do if you’re in a crash

If you ever find yourself involved in a car crash, there are several things you must do following a car accident. You might also want to understand how a car accident will affect your car insurance.

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